Gunnar Knudsen

Violinist and conductor. After studies with concert master Gustav Lange in Oslo and at the conservatory in Berlin (1929-30) he returned to Berlin once more to study with Nazi-activist Gustav Havemann (1934-35). He became first violinist in the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra (1928-38) and in the National Radio’s ensemble. In 1938 he took the opportunity to build up a new radio ensemble in Stavanger which he directed until 1944, together with the Stavanger municipal orchestra.

He was arrested together with his wife on 10th November 1944 in Stavanger for spreading illegal news, delivering radio material to a broadcasting unit, hiding and other support of refugees (“Nyhetstjeneste, fremskaffelse av radiomateriell til sendere, dekning og annen flyktningshjelp”). He had to live in a solitary Gestapo-cell in Stavanger for a month and was sent to Grini (#15638) on 11th November 1944 where he founded a string orchestra. He was released on liberation day 8th May 1945.

 in Drammen
 in Oslo
