Wallace Symons Buchanan

Singer and since 1926 married to the Norwegian pianist Thora Bratt. He was born in California and was an American citizen when he was arrested on 8th February 1941 for insulting the Germans and the Norwegian Nazi-Party Nasjonal Samling (“Fornærmed tyskerne og NS”). At first he was imprisoned in Aa (Åkebergveien, #1895). On 27th March 1941 he was arrested again for insulting Nasjonal Samling and was questioned at Polizeigefängnis Møllergata 19. The file card documented his retained possessions: 1 coat, 1 hat, 1 tie, 1 collar, 1 fountain pen, 1 pencil, 1 bunch of keys, 1 note book, 1 briefcase with content, 1 watch, braces („Hosentræger“), garters, 1 wallet, change 3,10 Kr. He was released on 28th June 1941.

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